Fire & Ambulance Department

City of Biwabik Fire Department update – Spring 2021 – Fire Chief update

Wow it has been an interesting last 12 months. We have faced challenges we never could have imagined, and the members have definitely stepped up through all the change with COVID -19 very well. We have had some significant challenges covering EMS and getting people through training. The new EMS personnel training has been particularly challenging. The EMS officers (Pam and Ashlee) have done an excellent job navigating the changing needs through everything. The Our fire department has been very busy with projects and hoping to have a few more wrapped up by mid June. We have also been very busy the last 24 months with new firefighter training with all the new hires. The state of the department has been overall very positive. Training has become the mainstay for the department with so many new recruits. The department is at 31 active members with one on leave.

Officer staff:

  • Assistant Chief – Bryan Lehman
  • Ambulance Director – Pam Lechevalier
  • EMS Captain – Ashlee Larson


The department will continue to grow and with growth comes some pains and challenges but overall will be needed to continue to provide service to our community. Our neighboring communities Biwabik Township and Lakeland both provide automatic aid for all fire calls in town and as we look to the future we are looking becoming part of the box alarm system provided by SLC.

Chief Mackey