City of Biwabik Ordinances 100 - The City Council (repealed) 100.1 - Worker's Compensation (repealed) 100.2 - Reimbursements and Advances for Expenses (repealed) 100.3 - Budget Calendar (repealed) 100.4 - Payment of Local Government Bills (repealed) 100.5 - Investment of Idle Funds (repealed) 100.6 - Special Audit Fees (repealed) 100.7 - Council Salary (repealed) 100.8 - Council Salary (repealed) 101 - City Administrator (repealed) 102 - City Treasurer (repealed) 103 - Code of Ethics (repealed) 105 - Board of Health (repealed) 110 - Civil Defense 111 - Repealing Several Ordinances 115 - Personnel Ordinance (repealed) 115.12 - Repealing Personnel Ordinances 120 Recreation Board.pdf 121 - Sewer Charges.pdf 121 - Sewer Use Regulations.pdf 121.10 - Sewer Charges 122 - Water System Ordinance 122 - Water System Ordinance (repealed) 123 - Water & Sewer General Provisions.pdf 124 - Storm Sewer Utility 125 - Biwabik Volunteer Fire Department.pdf 125.10 - Biwabik Volunteer Fire Department Enforcement.pdf 130 - Water, Light, Power and Building Commission.pdf 130.10 - Utility Charges Payments.pdf 131 - Commercial Industrial Development Commission.pdf 135 - City Charter Amendments 135.10 - City Charter Amendments 135.20 - City Charter Amendments 135.21 - City Charter Amendments 135.22 - City Charter Amendments 135.24 - City Charter Amendments 135.25 - City Charter Amendments 135.26 - City Charter Amendments 135.27 - City Charter Amendments 135.28 - City Charter Amendments 135.29 - City Charter Amendments 135.30 - City Charter Amendments 135.31 - City Charter Amendments 140 - Purchasing Policy.pdf 144 - Minnesota Power Franchise Agreement.pdf 158 - Annexation.pdf 160 - Establishing Lakeside Cemetery.pdf 170 - Background Check Ordinance 200 - Intoxicating Liquor.pdf 202.011 - Sunday Liquor 200.04 Bar Closing Hours (repealed).pdf 201 - Vacating Liquor Establishments.pdf 202 - Sunday Liquor.pdf 205 - Non-intoxicationg Liquor.pdf 210 - Sexual Conduct on Licensed Premises.pdf 210 - Vacating Liquor Establishments (repealed).pdf 215 - Synthetic Drugs 300 - Highway Traffic.pdf 305 - Traffic Control.pdf 310 - Parking.pdf 315 - General Traffic Regulations.pdf 320 - Special Vehicle Operation 325 - Right of Way Ordinance 400 - Electrical Installations.pdf 405 - Sale of Electricity.pdf 410 - Fire Code.pdf 415 - House Moving, Altering & Wrecking.pdf 420 - Plumbing Code.pdf 425 - Planning Commission 425 - Planning Commission (repealed) 430 - Zoning.pdf 430.14 - Shoreland Zoning.pdf 440 - Adopting State Building Code 440 - Bulding Code.pdf 440.02 - Fences (repealed) 440.03 - Fence Ordinance 440.10 - Building Code Enforcement.pdf 440.20 - Building Permit Fees.pdf 445 - Blight (repealed) 450 - Elmwood Inspection.pdf 450 - Updated Tree Ordinance 460 - Livestock.pdf 470 - Sexually Oriented Businesses.pdf 480 - Business Licenses (repealed).pdf 500 - Nuisances 500 - Nuisances (repealed) 501 - Engine Braking.pdf 505 - Curfew.pdf 510 - Fighting and Brawling.pdf 515 - Fireworks.pdf 520 - Prostitution.pdf 521 - Amending 520.pdf 525 -Vagrancy.pdf 530 - Vandalism.pdf 535 - Air Rifles.pdf 540 - Encumberg Streets, Highways, and Sidewalks.pdf 555 - False Identification.pdf 560 - Firearms and Weapons.pdf 565 - Slingshots.pdf 570 - Spitting.pdf 575 - Obscene Materials.pdf 576 - Adult Businesses.pdf 611 - Cats and Dogs.pdf 611.10 - Animal Control.pdf 702 - Solid Waste Disposal.pdf 705 - Hudson Sanitary Landfill.pdf 800 - Cable Communications Franchise 801 - Extending Cable Franchise Agreement 810 - Cigarette Sales.pdf 815 - Liquor.pdf 825 - Peddlers.pdf 835 - Licensing and Permit Regulations.pdf 845 - Lodging Tax.pdf 850 - To Impose Resort Tax 900 - Recreation Areas, Picnic Grounds, and Cemetery Area.pdf 910 - Heritage Trails.pdf 920 - Bicycle and Hiking Trails.pdf 1000 - Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures.pdf 1000.2 - Malfunctioning Alarm Systems.pdf 1005 - Revocation of Licenses.pdf 1100 - Seperability of Ordinances.pdf 1200 - Codification.pdf 1300 - Definitions.pdf